Objects seem lighter under water than in air, although the mass is the same! At the station “Boost” you have to pull up the ball in- and outside the water.
The boost of an object, which is immersed in fluid, relates to the volume of it. By an object with lower density than the fluid, the boost is enough to prevent the decline. With higher density it declines. On a iron are one litre bottles with coca cola and coca cola light hanged up, which you lower in the water basin. The cola- light bottle swims, because the small air bubble in the bottle gives enough boost. In contrast the bottle with cola drops, because it contains much sugar (106 gram per litre!) and so, it has a clearly higher density than water!
Water out of a horizontal in circle led nozzle, which aims to the rotation axis, takes part, by going through the nozzle, on the moving and is picked up in this direction. Thereby the water splashes not exactly to the rotation axis, but in direction of movement besides. Water, which splashes from the rotating axis away, is also picked up in the direction of movement. Far off from the axis it ought to be faster, to keep up with the rotation, because on the outside means a longer way than on the inside. Because the water is exposed by leaving the nozzle, it keeps his speed and is left behind.
Like in the striking and famous nature phenomenon, water fountains are splashing powerful and without advance warning upward. When the water in the piston is warm enough it occurs gas. The higher the boiling point in the piston, the higher the created pressure. When it is high enough, the hot water shoots upwards. But when it faces the cold water in the bowl, the fountain splashes upwards.
Our iceberg modell shows clearly and aesthetical, that just the head of the berg can be seen, while ca. 85 percent of the whole iceberg is under water. By approximation just the top of the berg is visible. After pushing the button the lightning and transparence of the blue foil is activated.
On the basis of the centrifugal force strives the fluid from the rotation axis away, when you give downturn to the container. The surface is the lowest on the rotation axis and raises parabolic to the outside- the higher the rotation, the steeper. In each variety (containers filled all around or just in a separate slit) this is a beautiful phenomenon, which needs action first!
On the basis of the centrifugal force strives the fluid from the rotation axis away, when you give downturn to the container. The surface is the lowest on the rotation axis and raises parabolic to the outside- the higher the rotation, the steeper. In each variety (containers filled all around or just in a separate slit) this is a beautiful phenomenon, which needs action first!
Swirled water can create a waving structure on a sand subsoil. The smallest irregularities in a first even sand subsoil increase, because the water moves the sand particles away from the even sand areas and stay preferably, where other particles are already gathered. In a hung basin is little sand, which is ca. 2 mm high covered by water.
It is fun to pump air in the viscous fluid- maybe together, because the pump is kind of stiff to use. Now you can watch the bubbles calmly- their “passing manoeuvre”, collision and their fusion! The bigger the gas bubbles, the faster they move up in the fluid, because with increasing size grows the boost faster than the flow resistance.
When the frame is turned, the sand declines downwards through the water and you can watch and compare the different sink speeds. The four tubes are filled with water and different coarse sand. A big grain of sand sinks fast in the water- when you crumble it in many small grains they sink slower. By the big cross-sectional surface, the flow resistance raises, although the weight, which floats the sand down is the same.
Surprising experiment: The from the top sluiced air ensures, that the plate on the opening “sticks”, because it increases a negative pressure. But: The plate has to be, against the pressure from the air close enough to the discharge opening, so the flow velocity is big enough and the pressure over the plate small enough to float free.
Hardly perceptible air movements are strengthened, when air approaches the rotation axis of a tornado- like a pirouette. Raises the air in the rotation axis, more air comes in and the rotation is reinforced. A broad slit in the cylinder gives the opportunity, to influence the near hose by blowing or with hands and to study its reaction to this disturbs.
Water can flow in a hose in parts upwards, when it moves overall from a higher to a lower water level. Out of an open reservoir with a high-water level the water raises in the upper container, generated by a nozzle and flows down in the second container. The fountain is powered by the different water levels in the flooding and the drained container. When the water levels are the same in both of the lower containers, the well dries up. With a hand pump you can transport the water back and the original difference in level is rebuilt.
The so- called optical density from water is bigger than the density from air. This circumstance leads, that by transition from water to air the light is distracted (refraction) from its original direction- it runs flat or is even reflected. When you look to a dived in object through the surface of water it seems, under a flatter angle, that there is no water. So, it is apparently raised. An oblique in the water immersed rod seems to have a bend at the surface of the water, because the part under water appears raised.
Basic rules: Cohesion (and the by that created surface tension) holds fluids together, by adhesion they stick to surfaces. When two on each other laying plates are pulled apart and between them is a little fluid, the wetted area contracts, because of the bigger distance you got more amount, so you don`t need that much space on the sides.
Waves are familiar to us by many experiences- but the direct observation in nature is just hardly possible. In the aesthetic wave pool the visitor can watch the movements easily. The stratification of two fluids slows the motion sequences down, so the development and the spreading of the waves can be tracked easily. When you tilt the pool in the right moment and the energy is phase right supplied, the waves develop to breaking, which behave like those in the nature.
Here arises a funnel-shaped indentation, which can reach far down by high rotation speed as a thin pipe. The centrifugal forces let the rotating fluid strive from the rotating axis away. As the container does not rotate with the water (like in the paraboloid), the rotation in the middle of the cylinder wall is faster by the friction of the water- the centrifugal forces work the most in the middle.